
Your Personal Task Manager

Project maintained by Cherweijie Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

User Guide


Tom is an assistant that helps to track your list of tasks to be completed.


These are the features offered by Tom:

  1. Add a task to the list of tasks
  2. Delete a task from the list of tasks
  3. Marking a particular task as done upon completion
  4. Mass deletion of tasks of a particular type
  5. Display the entire list of tasks

Add Task

You can add tasks to Tom’s list of tasks. You may enter ‘ToDo’, ‘Deadline’ and ‘Event’ tasks.

Delete Task

You can delete tasks from Tom’s list of tasks.

Marking Task(s) as Done

You can mark tasks as ‘done’ after completing them to be reflected in Tom’s list of tasks.

List Tasks

You can look at all the tasks in Tom’s list of tasks.

Storage of Tasks

You can store the list of tasks in Tom’s list and it will be saved automatically.

Mass Deletion

You can mass delete tasks from Tom’s list of tasks based on a particular type of task.

Exit Application

You can exit the application by inputting bye and it will be automatically closed.


todo - Add a ToDo task to the list

Adds a ‘todo’ task to the list of tasks and updates the list in duke.txt.

Example of usage:

todo read CS2103 Textbook

Expected outcome:

Alright, I've added this task:

[T][N] read CS2103 Textbook

You currently have 1 task(s) in the list.


deadline - Add a Deadline task to the list

Adds a ‘deadline’ task to the list of tasks and updates the list in duke.txt.

Example of usage:

deadline run 50km /by 2020-12-12

Expected outcome:

Alright, I've added this task:

[D][N] run (by:Dec 12 2020)

Now you have 1 task(s) in the list.


event - Add an Event task to the list

Adds a ‘event’ task to the list of tasks and updates the list in duke.txt.

Example of usage:

event project meeting /at 2020-06-12

Expected outcome:

Alright, I've added this task:

[E][N] project meeting (at:Jun 12 2020)

You currently have 1 task(s) in the list.


List - Displays the entire list of tasks

Display the entire list of tasks from the duke.txt file.

Example of usage:


Expected outcomes:



done - Mark a particular task as done

Upon completion of a task, you can mark the particular task as completed.

Example of usage:

done 3

Expected outcome:

Fantastic! This task is a done-deal!

[E][Y] project meeting (at:Mar 12 2020)


delete - Deletes the specified task from the list of tasks

Delete a particular task from the list of tasks in duke.txt

Example of usage:

delete 2

Expected outcome:

Alright, I've removed this task: 

[D][N] return book (by:Jun 12 2020)


delete all - Mass deletion of a particular type of tasks

This will delete all tasks of a particular type from the list of tasks.

Example of usage:

delete all todo

Expected outcome:


bye - Terminates the program

Terminates the application and the application window will be automatically closed.

Example of usage:


Expected outcome:

Bye-bye! See you again, my friend! 
Please close this window if you do not wish to continue this session.



The GUI was done based on the JavaFX Tutorial written by Jeffry Lum.